Lawn & Garden Service

Landscape Locators is proud to announce that it is now providing weekly Lawn and Garden Service throughout all of Orange County. This service is the solution to all of your maintenance needs.

  • We have a network of more than 100 pre-screened gardeners and lawn care professionals and will find the best one for you… at a price that is the same or better than what you are currently paying!
  • If at any time and for any reason you are unhappy with the gardener we have working at your home, let us know and we’ll quickly replace them with another gardener at the same price until your are completely satisfied – it’s that simple! Our professional and courteous staff is always available to handle your questions, and we can even communicate any special requests you have to your gardener for you.
  • Best of all, we accept all major credit cards so now you can earn points or miles from the money you are spending on your monthly gardening service.

  • Are you happy with your current gardener? No problem! They may already be in our network, but if not… we’ll add them! That way, you can keep working with your current gardener while receiving the benefits of our service!

Looking to Transform Your Outdoor Space?

Landscape Locators offers exterior renovation services across:

Our Services

Schedule your free In-Home Consultation
Call ( 888) 706-7900 or click here